

Location Choice

For our opening sequence, we needed four locations: a house interior, a house exterior, a warehouse exterior and a dark room.
The house scenes would have to be shot in one of the groups houses. When I was thinking of some shot types for the shot list I thought of them as if they would be positioned in my house, so when it came to filming I thought this would be the easiest place to do it. Another reason for choosing my house is the garage, which, with the lights off and door closed, provided the perfect place for the final scene of the sequence.
Conveniently there is an industrial estate down the road which had some suitable buildings for the warehouse exterior shot.
Our location choices allowed to get all of the scenes and shots we needed within a relatively short time as they are all fairly local and close together, this was useful as it meant we could get the filming done quickly and start editing, which would take longer. It also gave us more time to realise if we needed to re-shoot and scenes or add any new ones in.

1 comment:

  1. Efficient use of locations Alex, with sensible use of the resources at your disposal; this certainly helped your group to film effectively and to quickly develop text that was ready to edit.
